I had a weak moment this week walking past the chanel counter and had an iddy biddy splurge on the Le Volume De Chanel Mascara, but I have to say I have no regrets. Firstly, the luxurious branding gets me every time and this sleek and slim black mascara is no different. This mascara has a thick and wide wand which I am not usually a fan of, as I have become used to using my L'oreal Telescopic skinny brush for years so using this larger one was really different for me.
The chanel mascara definitely has not disappointed and has given me sky high, thick and curly lashes, and my favourite thing about it is the ease of application. I kid you not I only needed to coat my lashes with three swift sweeps and I was done. The first time I applied it though I did find that it put maybe a bit too much product on my lashes, but the second time I made sure to brush off a little access product and was much happier with the results. I don't usually use mascara on my bottom lashes, as I instead use a nearly run out older mascara so that I don't put too much product on causing panda eye, and I definitely think this mascara would maybe put way too much product on bottom lashes.
If I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I have to say I do not notice a huge difference between my lashes after using the chanel and the loreal straight away after application, but I would say that the fact the chanel is so quick and easy to apply, and maybe prevents my lashes from becoming stiff by the end of the day, this may have become my new favourite. However, at the price of £25 compared to loreal telescopic at the price of £10.99, maybe I will have to reserve my chanel for special occasions and keep loreal as more of a cheaper day time mascara.
Glad you like it, it's a great mascara. :)